Levada Walks in Madeira Island

Levada Walks in Madeira Island

Levada Walks in Madeira Island

Levada Walks in Madeira Island

Levada Walks in Madeira Island are one of the most exciting experiences to have on the island. In Madeira you will find more than 3,000 km of irrigation channels that guide you through the most beautiful and hidden landscapes of the island!

The history of Levadas of Madeira Island dates back to the fifteenth century and its Hydraulic system that is unique in the world. The purpose of the “levadas” (stone water channels) is to capture the water falling in the mountains and carries them to the agricultural fields to the least rainy and drier areas of the island.
Madeira Island has 2200 km of channels and 40 km of tunnels, there are 200 Levadas in total. Most of them begin in the north or central part of the island on the rainy areas and consequently richer fluid standpoint.


The large network of levadas in Madeira Island allows spectacular hiking along the them, sometimes relatively easy paths, others through tunnels or walking over the abyss.
Many of these routes along the Levadas are classified as official routes and contain detailed information that can be checked here: https://madeira.best/product-category/attractions/walks/. This full info allows, with due caution, any walk lover if I can hike alone.

The recommended will be walking the levadas with expert guides , you can book guided walks along the Madeira Island Levadas here:

